AWG Participation and Membership
  • AWG members are senior industry, government, and active academic principal investigators developing the AWG approved products. Current AWG approved products can be found on the Resources webpage.
  • The AWG plans Aerospace Sessions at the International LS-DYNA® Users Conference in Detroit. To participate in the sessions visit the LS-DYNA® conference website.
  • AWG subgroup participation is restricted to commercial aerospace companies with FAA certification requirements, related government agencies, and universities with projects funded by AWG organizations.
  • AWG subgroup participants designate one representative and two delegates, approved by the representative, for a total of three members.
  • AWG subgroup members will be active in all AWG subgroup activities, have login privileges to awg.lstc.com, be on the AWG subgroup mailing list, and attend meetings.
  • The AWG subgroup mailing list is used to inform members of AWG subgroup activities and meetings.
  • While the current two subgroups are focused on aerospace propulsion and cabin interiors, other aerospace related disciplines are also encouraged to participate as Aerospace Working Subgroups. Specifically, organizations responsible for submitting FAA certification reports are welcome participants as subgroups.

Please submit requests for AWG participation and any questions by completing the form on the contact page.

last modified on Tuesday August 14, 2018 13:17:57 PDT